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Are you are TIRED of

Dimming  Down


Badass Self?

The truth is, women learn to dim themselves down.
We are rewarded for hiding our power, over-giving and focusing on others.

We are rewarded for being
Good Girls

We are told we are "selfless" when we abandon ourselves, so it's easy to get lost in
over-giving, over-fixing, perfectionism & people-pleasing.
Even successful women fall int
o this trap. 
Your inner Good Girl is a silent, stealth saboteur of your power & potential.
She is a program of lack and limitation!

After working with hundreds of women, and also doing my own Good Girl
deprogramming, I can tell you that our Good Girl conditioning runs deep
and it's essential that we reveal and heal it.

Are you ready to unleash your 

Start your journey with my book,
Crack Your Good Girl Code;
Secrets To Reclaiming Your Feminine Power.

What people say...


Joy’s genius message of empowerment handed me a permission slip to climb out of my Good Girl box - a box that had trapped me my whole life.  What a relief! I could finally discover who I really was on a deep psychological level and love myself… all of me, even the scars that weren’t so pretty.  Each step I took brought new insight into how I had squelched the most dynamic and creative part of myself by allowing my dis-empowered Good Girl to run the show. And, by doing so, how I had also cheated my clients, friends, and family out of experiencing my beautiful feminine superpowers. Thanks to Joy, my Diva and my Good Girl are now best friends—a true balancing act. I now speak, teach, and coach with full confidence because I learned how to rock all of me. 

Kellie Rae Stone



I was playing out the "Good Girl" in my business and it was devastating me at every turn. Joy was heaven-sent to me at exactly the right time.  With her masterful coaching I was able to create a powerhouse company where I fully own my talents. I don't know where I would be right now if I hadn't had Joy's profound insight. ​I would probably be in the same place spinning my wheels. Joy helped me move forward to own my value. No more playing small or giving my power away! 

Catherine Lambert

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Joy helped me to powerfully understand my personality type and my shadow in the most nurturing, nourishing, and supportive way. I was able to heal some things from my past, so I could move forward with passion and confidence knowing my strengths. Her presence and work is literally a JOY. I have witnessed how women are touched by her incredible body of work. They are able to reclaim their power, their self~love and their voice. Joy’s work will help you integrate and implement your feminine power. I highly recommend working with her if you have the chance.

Nadia Shana Krauss



Joy is a true gift from the Universe. She poked a hole as big as the great outdoors in my system of limiting beliefs!  ​Through her spot-on coaching, Joy guided me on my journey to awaken to self acceptance and love. I have shed outdated notions and ideas that have been holding me prisoner for years.  Not only am I pursuing my passion of writing once again,  I'm daring to dream again. And I owe all this newfound joy to Joy.

Linda Vernon


Sometimes we can't see the path to change until we finally decide to stop stumbling around in the dark by ourselves and just go ahead and ask someone else if we can borrow their light. I was trying to go it alone without a source of illumination, but then I chose to ask Joy if she could lend me hers. And not only did Joy lend me her radiance, she taught me how to rediscover my own.

Rediscovering my light, Dr. Colleen Georges




Joy, you have helped me tame my monkey mind and have opened my heart far and wide. I couldn't imagine where my life would have headed had you not guided me.  I now have a steady stream of inner peace, am in the flow and loving the juicy unfoldment of my life adventure.

Sabrina Ritchie

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